Where Can I Find a Good and Affordable Patent Attorney in the United States?

Looking for the top patent lawyers close to you? Get connected with highly-skilled and experienced professionals who specialize in protecting your intellectual property rights.
At Melvin K. Silverman & Associates LLC, our IP attorneys are uniquely dedicated to helping clients leverage their intellectual property assets and succeed in the marketplace. We provide counsel on obtaining and protecting valuable Intellectual Property rights and give strategic advice on portfolio management so that each asset yields a maximum value for every client - from patents to copyrights and trademarks to technology transfers! Whatever your intellectual property needs, rest assured: Our team is here with comprehensive support services enabling you to reach all of your business goals.

Melvin K. Silverman and Associates LLC

Website: https://www.mkspc.com

Phone: (954) 489-0502

Email: mks@mkspc.com

Address: 1000 West McNab Rd., Suite 273

Pompano Beach, FL 33069
